Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ways To Tell People Think You’re A Ho

From afar, it’s pretty easy to tell that h*es be winning. They get money, fame, TV shows and endorsements. But for us common folk, being a ho isn’t always the best way to go. And sometimes, being one can happen and we don’t even notice it. So, for those that need help, here are some ways to tell that others around you mayyyy think you’re kind of a ho-bag.

Pay attention!

1. Women hate seeing you talking to their man - If you get the mean mug when you try to talk to a man in front of his woman, she’s either insecure or word’s gotten around that you may try to steal him.

2. Other women won’t hang around you – They don’t want you driving down the stock on their vajayjays. They’d be hoes by association!

3. He don’t mind letting his boys try to hit it - Tell-tale sign he doesn’t see you as much more than a jump off. And if u considered it u my lady are HOEin

4. He won’t take you out in public - If it’s all secret rendezvous, Sneakin & creepin around not acknowledging each other in public you’re in trouble.

5. He won’t claim you - You basically live with him, but he still says he’s single? Your his side piece & he has no plans of EVER making u the main attraction.